How It Works.
Quick & easy high value connections
Create your profile
2 min setup by importing from your linkedin, or manually.
Get a match
Get matched based on your profile and current needs.
Meet up with your match either online or in person.
Exchange value
Connect & exchange value based on each other current needs & resources
Mutual benefit.
We provide high-quality matches based on one key criteria: mutual benefit. Every user defines what they can offer and what they currently need.
We suggest matches with people who can provide something you need, and vice versa.
Endless opportunities are waiting for you
Unlock untapped networking opportunities and make meaningful connections.
There are a few answers to this. First, we create matches based on mutual benefit by looking at what users currently need and what they can provide. This way, we maximize the chances that you get something useful out of the interaction.
Secondly, matchers can give feedback to each other. This improves interaction quality over time on the MakerMatch platform.
Lastly, we do not offer free access to MakerMatch. This filters out anyone who isn't serious about networking.
Yes, you have control over your matches. We suggest potential matches, but you can review and accept or decline them based on your interests.
The frequency of matches depends on your preferences and availability, but there is a limit of 4 matches per month.
You can find people from all sorts of industries on MakerMatch. Some of the most common industries include:
- Technology and Software Development
- Marketing and Advertising
- Finance and Investment
- Design and Creative Services
- E-commerce and Retail
- Healthcare and Biotech
- Education and EdTech
- Consulting and Professional Services
- Media and Entertainment
- ... and many more!
After your first year, your subscription will automatically renew at the guaranteed Earlybird rate of $29.99/month. You can cancel at any time.
Yes, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee for the first 30 days after the platform launches. If you're not satisfied, just let us know and we'll refund your pre-order payment in full.
Now is the time.
Benefit from a community of makers that help you succeed.